ࡱ> gifm= R2lbjbj..2xLhLhV- .....BBBBT4B*^((((%))))))$X-08).)..((*!!!.(.(%!%!!V~"@"(J4T^" %*0*" F0! F0"F0."4!)) *F0 b : ^Q{Nz/gf[bSchool of Architecture & Art DesignXinyi Liu R7Y Research topicsSustainable Innovative Design of Human Settlement EnvironmentSelected publications (5)Application of the Style and Characteristics of Tianjin Concession Architecture in Modern CitiesComments on the Artistic Characteristics of Tianjin Concession ArchitectureA New Interpretation of Traditional Decorative Art in Modern SpaceResearch on the Method of Creating Urban Nightscape Art AtmosphereEnvironmental Design Practice and Aesthetic TheoryEmailxinyi61456@126.comShujun Bai }vmQ Research topics1) land use in city and rural planning, land use and transportation integration2) sustainable urban form and policies3) urban neighborhood revitalization and stock-based planning4) regional policy, development and planningSelected publications (5)1)Research on the Development Mechanism of Small Towns in Suburbs of Shijiazhuang from the Perspective of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Cooperation. Journal of Hebei University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition).2)Study on the Development Characteristics and Countermeasures of Small Towns around Big Cities in the New Urbanization Thought- Case Study in Shijiazhuang. Development of Small Cities and Towns.3)Playgrounds for Outdoor Cultural Activities in Urban Communities- Examples of 17 Communities in Tianjin. Journal of Hebei University of Technology (Social Sciences Edition).4)Study on Dynamic Mechanism of Regional Tourism under the Background of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration. Development of Small Cities and Towns.5)Study on the Realistic Dilemma and Development Model of Regional Tourism under the Background of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Integration. City.Email HYPERLINK "mailto:baisjun@hebut.edu.cn" baisjun@hebut.edu.cn baisjun@126.comXiaoxiao Fan GoGo Research topics1) Landscape design theory based on the visual sense 2) Landscape planning and design3) Sponge city design new methodSelected publications (5)1) Jinyong Zhang, Xiaoxiao Fan*, Mei Li, et al., Ant System with Negative for the Hospital Ward Color Planning, Wireless Personal Communications, 102, 1589-1601, 2018 (SCI)2) Xiaoxiao Fan, Yaoyuan Zhang, Bei Li, Sponge residential design, The contemporary literary world (In Chinese) 3, 7, 20193) Xiaoxiao Fan, Zidan, Song, Wei Hou, et al., Selection experiment of waterlogging prevention landscape vegetation of sponge city in heavy rainfall climate, Science and Technology Bulletin (in Chinese) 34, 6, 176-179, 20184) Xiaoxiao Fan, New method for planning and design of small towns -- evaluation on "foreign rural design -- construction of small towns with characteristics", China University of Science and Technology (in Chinese), 10, 39, 20185) Xiaoxiao Fan, Tae-Yeol Jung, Research on the facility factors in the hospital healing environmental design, 357-360, 2044-2049, 2013Emailfxx-hebut@qq.comZhonghang Bai }vN* Research topics1) Functional Design2) Innovation Method3) TRIZSelected publications (5)1) Bai Zhong-hang Zhang Shan Ding Man Sun Jian-guang. Research on product innovation design of modularization based on theory of TRIZ and axiomatic design, Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2018, Vol. 10(12) 1 15 (SCI: 000452838600001)2) Zhonghang Bai, Tong Xia, Fang Liu, Fei Yu. Research on new market disruptive innovation based on inclusiveness, Journal of Machine Design Vol.36,No.7, 7,2019119-1243) Zhonghang, Bai Yanan Liu Man Ding, Huihui Sun.Sensory interaction Su-field product innovation design method oriented to attention ,Journal of Machine Design,Vol .36,No.10,10,2019: 133-1394) Zhonghang Bai, Tong Xu, Man Ding. Product innovation design integrated Value Engineering and TRIZ Solving Tool, Journal of Machine Design Vol.35,No.3, 3,2018114-1185) Zhonghang Bai, Runhua Tan. Research on Product Innovative Ideas by Integrating Technology Evolution with Functions Evolution. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience.Vol.13, No. 4,2016. (EI:20162602530410)EmailBaizhonghang@hebut.edu.cnMan DingNn Research topics1) Emotional Cognition and Computing2) Product Color DesignSelected publications (5)1) Product color emotional design considering color layout. Color research and application, 2019, 44(2): 285295.2) Product color emotional design adaptive to product shape feature variation. Color research and application, 2019, 44(5): 811823.3) Multiemotional product color design using gray theory and nondominated sorting genetic algorithm-III. Color research and application, 2019, 45(1): 142155.4) Computer-aided product colour planning for multi-working modes product using the synthesised evaluation method and difference evolution. Journal of Engineering Design, 2011, 22(10): 701-719.5) Product color design based on multi-emotion. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2013, 27(7): 2079-2084.Emaildingman@hebut.edu.cnDan Xie 9N Research topics1) Heritage of the Great Wall and traditional settlements2) Cultural routes and landscapes 3) Regional architecture and cultureSelected publications (5)1) Architecture of Zijing Pass of the Great Wall in Ming Dynasty (Suzhou: Phoenix Science Press, June 2020)2) The Military Defense System and Spatial Layout of the Great Wall in Jin Dynasty in Ming Dynasty (Beijing: China Architecture & Building Press, 2020)3) Study on Relationship between Overall Spatial Layout of the Great Wall and Location of Capital of Jin Dynasty, City Planning Review, 2014(4):70-734) Study on the Nomadic Features of the Great Wall of the Jin Dynasty, eds., Xie Dan, New Architecture, 2013(04):147-1505) A Study on Non-Preservation Historic Buildings of Tianjin Five Old Streets Based on Conceptual Design: An Exchange of Joint Design, eds., Xie Dan, Yukun Pang, New Architecture, 2011(02):57-63Email15102232429@126.comXin LiuRFk Research topicsArchitectural Design and TheoryCultural Heritage Protection Landscape Architectural Design and TheorySelected publications (5)1)Optimization Strategies on the Creative Industrial Parks Transformed from Industrial Heritage Based on the POE2)Research on the Status Quo of Tangshan Modern Industrial Heritage Conservation3)Study on the Regional Cultural Characteristics and Utilization Strategies of Historical Architectural Heritage4)Research on the Protection of Ancient Village Cultural Heritage in the New Rural Construction.5)Run the village - New Village Construction in Xiao Zhu Wan, Jiangxia WuhanEmail HYPERLINK "mailto:tianyi658@126.com" tianyi658@126.comHuining Pei IS[ Research topics1) Industrial Ergonomics2) Human Reliability3) Comfort AssessmentSelected publications (5)1) Quantification of Lower Extremity Physical Exposures in Various Combinations of Sit/Stand Time Duration Associated with Sit-Stand Workstation[J]. Medycyna Pracy, 2017. 68(3):315-327.SCI: 000401636100002 2) Analysis of Apple s Design Management Policy[J]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014.496-500.EI20140817357741 3) Effects of long-duration sitting with limited space on discomfort, body exibility, and surface pressure [J]. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2017. 58:12-24.SCI: 000401377200002 4) A hybrid approach based on fuzzy AHP and 2-tuple fuzzy linguistic method for evaluation in-flight service quality[J]. Journal of Air Transport Management, 2017. 60:49-64.SSCI: 000397368500006 5) Application of Scale for Subjective Perception of Discomfort in Sedentary Work[J]. Space Medicine & Medical EnZ\nrxz|  * F J L    R S    & ( @ F H J h j  VX .0132vwxy     CJaJCJo(hDotCJPJCJCJPJ CJPJo( CJPJaJCJPJaJo(Q\| L  S ( J j X1w $da$$d a$ & Fd d $a$ `b,.`bf  #,>\4578D\d$\ \"$68̰̰ 5CJ\5CJ 5CJo(CJo(hDotCJPJCJ\ CJ\o(CJPJ CJPJo(CJPJaJo( CJPJaJ0JCJCJjCJUEb5$Ll6 !!HJLjlt&(>@PR46 (*@B    p r z hDotCJCJhDotCJPJCJPJ CJPJo(CJo(CJPJaJo( CJPJaJR !!!!:!:9CJo(CJPJ CJPJo( CJPJaJCJPJaJo(CJA/)6)K)\)l)m)r)**(***@*B*`*b******2+4+F+b+f+h+,$,%,h,u,v,,,G-H-h----.....*.L.N.P.R.t.v.x.z.........///ǮhDothDotCJo(hAhDot0JCJo(hDotCJo( hDotCJjhDotCJUhDotCJPJ CJPJaJCJPJaJo(CJPJ CJPJo( 6CJo(CJo(CJ@4+h+%,v,,H--x.z..../F/z/1235@L|LLL4MM"NVN$a$d WD^`d /D/F/X/t/x/z//11122 2f3h333333355"55556LL*L,L>L@LJLLLlLzL|LLLLL2M4MMMM N"N4NPNTNVN OOzO|OOOPbPdPPP2Q4Q>Q@QBQQS8T:TZT\T^T`TjCJUo( hDotCJ CJPJaJCJPJaJo(UCJo(CJPJhDotCJPJ CJPJo(CJNgineering, 2017. 30(3):170-175.Emailpeihuining@hebut.edu.cnShulan Wang smpQ Research topics1)The History of Chinese Art and the Creation of Sketches2)The Thinking of Chinese Traditional Creation Design3) The Traditional Decoration Culture and the Rural ConstructionSelected publications (5)1)The Influence of Geographical Environment on the Chinese and Foreign Architectural Styles2)Research on the Sketch Learning for Art Design Major3)Discussion on the "Feeling" Mentioned in the Teaching of Sketch4)Research on the Art Creation and the Art Design5)Research on the Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Silver Handicrafts in the Transition PeriodEmail HYPERLINK "https://wx.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/webwxcheckurl?requrl=http://406696445@qq.com&skey=@crypt_627f335d_1503e2ef043acb45d4dd8a7eae6ab774&deviceid=e490672008261272&pass_ticket=h8%2Fose9CuHBEf7s3EMXbpfyySMOlWtMzIFOgcKoZSnPW%2BUplcyLQHuLHZvi2B6tk&opcode=2&scene=1&username=@195d281bdcb4dc4c6f2243ee13dbe5eee8e34072a3bd084766eff39f59fdf5f5" \t "https://wx.qq.com/_blank" 406696445@qq.com Ping Shu s^ Research topics1) Design theories and methods of compact residential area and healthy housing.2) Minuscule dwelling mode3) Basic education of architectureSelected publications (5)1) New Chinese Style House of Yangliuqing, Tianjin. Architecture Journal.2006/042) Ecological Planning and Design from the Perspective of Landscape Security Pattern of Waterfront in Xianghe County, Journal of Landscape Research, 2013/063) Quantitative Simulation of Suitable Spatial Capacity in Tianjin Compact Settlement. Academic Journal of Architecture Journal. 2016.4) A Comparative Study on the Evaluation of the External Space Efficiency of Residential Areas in Tianjin in the 1990s. Academic Journal of Architecture Journal. 2016.5) Evaluation of the Potential of Aging Regeneration in the Declining Rural Areas of Beijing and Tianjin. Modern Urban Research.2017/02.Email HYPERLINK "mailto:shuping@hebut.edu.cn" shuping@hebut.edu.cnGuoying Hou OV Research topics1) Low carbon and sustainable building environment 2) Thermal comfort and indoor quality3) Thermal comfort of elderly Selected publications (5)1) Guoying Hou Chris Tweed, A field study of thermal comfort in transitional spaces in buildings in Cardiff, UK. Windsor Conference 2014: Counting the cost of comfort in a changing world.2) Chuanshang Koyang Lin Guoying Hou Simulate the Impact of Urban Morphology on Energy Demand - A Case Study of Yuehai, China. The Impact of Urban Morphology on Energy Demand, 49th ISOCARP Congress 2013.3) Guoying Hou Chris Tweed A pilot study of thermal comfort in transitional spaces. Lolo Energy Demand in Building Conference 2013,UCL,London.4) Guoying Hou Chris Tweed. Thermal Comfort In Transitional Spaces In Buildings.13th UK CARE Annual General Meeting, University of Reading, UK, 2013.5) Guoying Hou Chris Tweed An Investigation of Thermal Comfort in Indoor Transitional Spaces. 9th SuDBE University of Reading and University of Cambridge, UK, 2019. Emailliner909@live.cnFanghua ZhaouNS Research topics1) Emotional Cognition and Computing2)Service design & Design Thinking3) Intelligent Mobile Space & HMI DesignSelected publications (5)The optimization and design of the elderly fitness rehabilitation facility based on the ergonomics[J].Revista de la Facultad de ingenieria 2017.Intelligent design method of product color based on generation countermeasure network [J]. Mechanical Design, 2019, 36 (11): 133-138Research on the Design Strategy of Agricultural Product Brand Service under the Background of Rural Revitalization -- Taking Damingfu Aromatic Oil Products as an Example [J]. Industrial Engineering Design, 2020,2 (04): 86-94The Application of Three Levels of Emotion Theory in Product Design from the Perspective of Availability [J]. Packaging Engineering, 2020, 41 (22): 21-26Ergonomic design of nursing bed for the elderly based on JACK virtual simulation analysis [J]. Packaging Engineering, 2020, 41 (24): 30-39Email HYPERLINK "mailto:zhaofanghua@126.com" zhaofanghua@126.comVNO|OPdP4Q`TbT~TT>UtUUUVWX,Z>[[[[[\|\\]:]^gdDot$a$d `TbTnTpT|T~TTTTUBUrUtUxUUUUUUUU VVVV[H[J[L[[[[[[[[[[[[[\\\\\N\P\z\|\\ܻػتhJ KCJPJaJo( 0JCJo(jCJUo(hDotCJPJCJOJQJ^JCJCJo(CJPJ CJPJo( CJPJaJCJPJaJo(hDotCJPJaJC\\\\\\\\]]]]4]8]:]>]@]]^^^^_H`J`N`fahalanaabbbbcccccccd dddd d(d*d0d2d4dRdTdXdZddddddd4e6eHedehejeeff(ggggViXiiijhDotCJo( hDotCJ CJPJaJCJPJaJo(CJPJhDotCJPJ CJPJo(CJo(CJP^J`habcdd4dTddd6ejefgXijk,l.l0l2l & Fd gdDot & Fd $a$d jjkkkkkkkkkkll(l*l,l.l0l2lhaCJo(hDothDotCJo(hAhDot0JCJo(hDotCJo( hDotCJjhDotCJUCJo(CJ hDotCJ0182P. 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